
Aurizon Mines Ltd. - Beaufor mine (Québec)


Refer to attached document : Reserves classification (French).

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Cambior Inc. - Mouska Mine (Québec)


Refer to attached document.

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Cambior Inc. - Doyon mine (Québec)



Proven mineral reserve: Assemblage of veins and ore lodes meeting the economic criteria based on a pre-established gold price. Mineralized zones determined by drilling (grid under 10 m x 15 m [33 ft x 49 ft]) and partially developed in situ. Because of the amount of compiled data and the mining history, a precision level of more or less 10% on the tonnage estimates and its metal content can be determined.

Probable mineral reserve: Assemblage of veins and ore lodes meeting the economic criteria based on a pre-established gold price. Mineralized zones determined by drilling, usually on a grid under 20 m x 30 m (65 ft x 100 ft) (larger grid for the extension of "M" veins at depth) and rarely developed. Because of the amount of compiled data and the mining history, a precision level of more or less 30% on the tonnage estimates and its metal content can be determined.

Inferred mineral reserve: Assemblage of veins and ore lodes meeting the economic criteria based on a pre-established gold price. Mineralized zones mainly determined by drilling (grid generally over 20 m x 30 m [65 ft x 100 ft]). Because of the amount of compiled data and the mining history, a precision level of more or less 50% on the tonnage estimates and its metal content can be determined.



Measured mineral resource: Part of the proven mineral reserve nonconforming to the economic criteria based on a pre-established gold price. Mineralized zones determined by drilling (grid under 10 m x 15 m [33 ft x 49 ft]) and partially developed in situ. Because of the amount of compiled data and the mining history, a precision level of more or less 10% on the tonnage estimates and its metal content can be determined.

Indicated mineral resource: Part of the probable and inferred mineral reserves nonconforming to the economic criteria based on a pre-established gold price. Because of the amount of compiled data and the mining history, an approximate level of precision between 30% and 50% on the tonnage estimates and its metal content can be determined.

Inferred mineral resource: Assemblage of veins and ore lodes for which quantitative estimations are based on the drilling with a grid definitely higher than 40 m (131 ft). The geological continuity is reasonably assumed from available information and/or from comparisons with similar mineralization on the property. The inferred resource also contains mineralized zones with average grades higher than the economic limits, but where the current technology does not allow an economic viability of mining with the actual market conditions (example: surface pillars). Because of the amount of compiled data and the mining history, a precision level of more or less 50% on the tonnage estimates and its metal content can be determined.

Cambior Inc. - Sleeping Giant Mine (Québec)


Refer to attached document (only in French).

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Claude Resources Inc. - Seabee Mine (Saskatchewan)



includes: Ore that has been sampled in two dimensions in a sill drift and a raise. Ore that has been sampled in a sill drift and projected no more than one mine level, to a diamond drill holes, on the same structure.


PROBABLE ORE includes:

Ore that has been sampled in a sill drift and projected beyond diamond drilling to a maximum distance corresponding to one mine level. Ore that has been sampled by closely spaced diamond drill holes (less than 25 m [82 ft]), on structures with a previous production history or mapped and sampled at surface.


POSSIBLE ORE includes:

Ore indicated by widely spaced diamond drill holes on structures without a production history. Ore projected more than one mine level from development in ore or more than 25 m (82 ft) from a diamond drill intersection.



Ore that contains an average grade greater than 5 g Au/t based on stope sampling.



Ore that contains an average grade less than 5 g Au/t and greater than 2 g Au/t based on stope or muck pile sampling.



The total amount of unbroken ore (all classes) and broken ore (all grades) currently available or indicated at the mine site.


Falconbridge Ltd. - Fraser Mine (Ontario)


DECEMBER 31, 2001

Proven: 892 000 t (0.66% Ni, 6.98% Cu).

Probable: 1 590 000 t (0.63% Ni, 4.01% Cu).

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McWatters Mining Inc. - Sigma Mine (Québec)



PROVEN RESERVE: that part of a deposit which is being mined or developed or which is the subject of a mining plan, the estimated quantity and grade of that part of a measured resource for which the size, grade, and distribution of values, together with technical and economic factors, are so well established that there is the highest degree of confidence in the estimate. PROBABLE RESERVE: the estimated quantity and grade of that part of a measured or indicated resource for which the economic viability has been demonstrated by adequate information or engineering, operating and economic factors, with sufficient accuracy to be used as a basis for decisions on further development and significant capital expenditures.

MEASURED RESOURCE: the estimated quantity and grade of that part of a deposit for which the size, configuration and grade have been well established by observation and sampling of outcrops, drill holes, trenches and mine workings.

INDICATED RESOURCE: the estimated quantity and grade of that part of a deposit for which the continuity of a grade, together with the extent and shape, are so well established that a reliable estimate of grade and tonnage can be made.

INFERRED RESOURCE: the estimated quantity and grade of a deposit, or a part thereof, that is determined on the basis of limited sampling, but for which there is sufficient geological information and a reasonable understanding of the continuity and distribution of metal values to outline a deposit of potential economic merit.



Proved reserves: Drilled holes, 13.7 m (45 ft) spacing. Underground openings of 7.6 m (25 ft) of influence.

Probable reserves: Drilled holes, 27.4 m (90 ft) spacing.

Measured resource: Drilled holes, 13.7 m (45 ft) spacing. Underground opening of 7.6 m (25 ft) of influence.

Indicated resource: Drilled holes, 27.4 m (90 ft) spacing.

Inferred resource: Drilled holes, up to 107 m (350 ft) along well-known mineralized ore structures.

Miramar Mining Corporation - Con Mine (N.W.T.)



Proven Ore: The term applied to the unbroken ore above developed stopes or drifts that may extend to a maximum of 7.6 m (25 ft) in height. The reconciled mill grade from the last mining elevation is used to derive the grade for the proven block. This reconciled mill grade is used in place of the grade of the Probable Ore in this portion of the ore reserve. If a reconciled grade is not available, the weighted chip sample grade (2 oz cut) is used. No additional dilution is added to Proven Ore.

Pillar Proven Ore: This term applies to the unbroken ore above and/or below developed stopes or drifts, which will be extracted using longhole methods. The reconciled mill grade from the last mining elevation is used to derive the grade for the proven pillar block. This reconciled mill grade is used in place of the grade of the Probable Ore in this portion of the ore reserve. Pillar Ore differs from Proven Ore in that it contains additional dilution related to the expected mining method.

Probable Ore: The term applied to ore defined by diamond drilling on 15 m x 15 m (50 ft x 50 ft) centres where no mining has yet occurred. This ore structure should be defined by a minimum of ten diamond drill holes where at least three must grade over 0.25 oz/t of Gold for a thickness of 1.8 m (6 ft). The weighting of surrounding drill holes on the MEDS (Mineral Evaluation Development System) based cross sectional reserve is based on an inverse distance cubed relationship with a search radius of 22.8 m (75 ft). Dilution is added to Probable Ore.

Possible Ore: This is reported separately in the Ore Reserve Statement. The classifications have changed from previous years: old P-1 (Inaccessible Ore) has been transferred to Resource and the old P-3 category (200 foot spaced) has been removed. The two current categories of Possible Ore are:

P-1: Ore defined by drilling at spacing greater than 15 m x 15 m (50 ft x 50 ft). These areas lack sufficient diamond drilling to be considered Reserves, but will likely be upgraded to Reserve categories after drilling is completed.

P-2 (EXTRAPOLATED): This category constitutes Possible Ore that occurs around known Reserves. There is a suggestion of strong up or down plunge continuity of an existing Reserve, however, there is currently no diamond drilling to confirm this. P-2 Possible Ore will extend no more than 60 m (200 ft) beyond the limits of a known Reserve block, and the grade and thickness of the adjacent Reserve will be applied.



Resources are reported separately from the Ore Reserve categories in the yearly statement. Blocks classified as Resource are currently sub-economic or have other traits such as poor structural continuity that suggest they would be uneconomic to mine.

Measured Resource: The term applied to the unbroken ore above and/or below developed stopes or drifts, which may extend to a maximum of 7.6 m (25 ft) in height. The reconciled mill grade from the last mining elevation is used to derive the grade for the proven block. This reconciled mill grade is used in place of the grade of the Drill Indicated (Probable) Ore in this portion of the ore reserve. If a reconciled grade is not available, the weighted chip sample grade (2 oz cut) is used.

Pillar measured resource: The term applied to the unbroken ore above and/or below developed stopes or drifts that will be extracted using longhole methods. The reconciled mill grade from the last mining elevation is used to derive the grade for the proven block. This reconciled mill grade is used in place of the grade of the Drill Indicated (Probable) Ore in this portion of the ore reserve. If a reconciled grade is not available, the weighted chip sample grade (2 oz cut) is used. Pillar Resource differs from Measured Resource in that it contains additional dilution due to the expected extraction method.

Metallurgical measured resource: The term applied to the surface resource of calcine and arsenic sludges that are recoverable in the Autoclave.

Indicated resource: The term applied to ore defined dy diamond drilling on 15 m x 15 m (50 ft x 50 ft) centres where no mining has yet occurred. The weighting of surrounding drill holes on the MEDS (Mineral Evaluation Development System) based cross sectional reserve is based on an inverse distance cubed relationship. Dilution is added to Indicated Ore.

Inferred resource: The term applied to mineralization drilled at spacing greater than 15 m x 15 m (50 ft x 50 ft) and/or with lower economic certainty due to grade.

Newmont Mining Corporation - Golden Giant Mine (Ontario)



Proven ore: Reserves that are drilled and/or developed in sufficient detail to ensure continuity of mineralization and grade.

Probable ore: Reserves that require additional drilling or development to confirm ore limits or continuity of grade and mineralization.

Richmont Mines Inc. - Francoeur Mine (Québec)


The following parameters describe the different categories:

Ore of which the grade and volume were calculated from data derived from boreholes and/or underground development and where the geological interpretation of the mineralized zone indicates good continuity within the sampling grid. The area of influence is limited to a perimeter of 15 m (50 ft) of an underground mineralized opening.

Calculated reserves in a perimeter not exceeding 23 m (75 ft) from a mineralized underground opening or a definition borehole (drilling on a grid less than 30 m [100 ft]).

Blocks limited to a distance of 45 m (150 ft) outside the interpreted zone from the exploration boreholes.

Ore generally meeting the parameters of the proven category but made of pillars actually considered as non-recoverable. For some pillars, when part of these are considered as recoverable, this ratio is calculated with the proven ore.

TVX Gold Inc/High River Gold Mines Inc. - New Britannia Mine (Manitoba)


The New Britannia Mine mineral inventory classifications are standardized according to the TVX Gold Corporate Format. The TVX format follows the recommended CIM Ad Hoc Committee Report guidelines published in September 1996. The New Britannia Mine Mineral Inventory classifications are based on the following categories. The Ore Reserves are comprised of the Proven and Probable Ore categories. These two categories constitute the Reportable Reserves.

The non-reportable resources are encompassed within the Indicated and Inferred categories. Although non-reportable, these resources are in constant review. Additional drilling, changes in commodity prices, a positive feasibility study, or the introduction of new technology could elevate these resources to a reportable reserve category.



PROVEN: Reserves contained in ore blocks that are developed by sill drifting and/or raising. The geology of the ore is firmly delineated in terms of size, shape, and mineral content where the tonnage and grade are evaluated from results of detailed sampling of workings and drill holes. The maximum extrapolation distance Proven ore can be extended to 7.6 m (25 ft) in each direction from a sample site for a total of 15 m (50 ft) along strike and dip, unless some geologic feature or previously mined area terminates the ore body before these distances are attained.

PROBABLE: Reserves contained in blocks where the mineralization is predominantly established by drill data. The character and continuity of the ore are sufficiently outlined to allow preliminary contours to be generated. Probable ore is usually extended to a maximum of 30 m (100 ft) along strike from a sample site, and up to 60 m (200 ft) down dip in some cases. This is due to strong continuity of the ore at the New Britannia Mine. Probable ore is normally extended 15 m (50 ft) along strike beyond the sample point. Assay data can be projected across blank sections provided that there is ore indicated on sections to either side.



The Resources categories include mineralized areas/zones, that for various reasons can not be classified as part of the Ore Reserves. These are defined by the following categories:

  • INDICATED: Mineralized structure has been sufficiently defined but lacking a detailed mineability study with the present mining costs, infrastructure and commodity prices.
  • INFERRED: Mineralized structure has been identified, but its size, shape or grade continuity has not been adequately established. No economic mining plan has been established.
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